Core Mindset Change

Fundamentally Changing your Mindset
Each person can obtain any mindset if their life depends on it.
All it takes is repetition and visualization while putting your mind in a learning mode.
It’s the same for any mindset. Except for... non-duality, the core mindset change that takes one extra step. This is our specialty.
What is Non-Duality?
Non-duality is the philosophy, or world view, that our perception of selfhood is an illusion – the egoic illusion.
Not only that. It considers the entire universe to be merely a dreamed up reality.
Dreamed up by whom?
Consciousness, like yours and mine?
Yes, but those are just two angles out of the 7 billion from which the Consciousness experiences, well… itself.
In other words, your sensations are unique, but that doesn't mean your feeling of individuality is realistic. It's considered a trick of the mind to turn itself into a thinker.
This trick might provide interesting experiences for Consciousness, but certainly not always pleasant ones from the perspective of the person who you take yourself to be.

"The ego is nothing more than the focus of conscious attention.”
~ Alan Watts,

"The feeling that we call “I” is an illusion. Taking oneself to be the thinker of one’s thought is a delusion that produces nearly every kind of human conflict and unhappiness.
To seek freedom is to reinforce the chains.”
~ Sam Harris,

Okay, so what? What's the practical relevance?
Well, if the non-dual world view is correct, then the egoic illusion is tainting everything you perceive and is the root cause of things such as purposelessness, indecisiveness, depression, stress, social issues, low self-esteem and unresolvable fears or trauma.
Until the illusion is pierced through, each successful attempt to resolve any of these issues also would have the unwanted side-effect of reinforcing the belief in the ego, strengthening the root cause for other issues.
Grasping this paradox is the main hurdle for obtaining a non-dual mindset. But, if you do, the change of perception instantly improves your experience in many ways as well as becomes the foundation for ongoing gradual improvement of your quality of life, such as:
making satisfying decisions more easily
outcome and emotion independent happiness
less distraction by noise and judgement
clarity about which limitations to overcome and which to accept
less overwhelm by experiences and a new perspective to process resurfacing old emotions with
fading of a search for meaning, purpose or even (spiritual) growth

We offer unique 21-day bootcamps for developing non-dual perception by approaching it as a mindset change.

"Seek not the path of the ancients; seek that which the ancients sought.”
~ Matsuo Basho,

How to Obtain a Non-Dual Mindset?
Each eastern wisdom tradition is essentially a roadmap for obtaining this mindset (often called ego awakening). There are a few distinct types.
The way of Meditation
You can silence the mind. You can redirect thought, for example, by fixating it on an object, a paradoxical question, love, god or focus on mind itself – you name it.
The way of Devotion
You can also devote yourself to honoring something that represents this ‘higher’ Consciousness that you essentially are. This works for some people, but many just remain stuck in considering this Consciousness as something separate – the duality remains.
The way of Observing
You can subject the body through all sorts of disciplines while observing the sensations closely (call it yoga, tantra or asceticism).
The way of Knowledge
There's also a path of knowledge. You try to make sense of non-duality with concepts, you persevere consistently and you sooner or later shift beyond concepts – you just know. Again, an approach that worked for some, while others remain stuck forever at the conceptual level.
The way of the Method Actor
Like an actor, you can study and imagine the internal dialogues and way a role model or character perceives life. This is known to lead to internalization of such a mindset. While this is not always desirable for an actor, the protocol can be used with great success to achieve a desired mindset changes such as non-dual perception.
Which Method Works Best?
Despite the great variety of paths, some existing for centuries, not many people seem to succeed in obtaining the non-dual mindset.
And, at the same time, since the first try-outs in 2017 on a campsite, for dozens people it has taken only a few days of focused conceptual thinking to obtain the non-dual mindset; the way of knowledge. Indeed, temporarily more conceptual thinking in order to get past conceptual thinking. Ironic, isn't it?
Awakening is no rocket science. Only, truth to be told, it took a lot longer to figure out how to make the mindset stick. What was lacking was the time and repetition for the mindset change to be completed. Thus, this was the direction in which the program evolved. The way of the method actor was blended in.

"It's not thinking that causes suffering, but the identification with it”
~ Eckhart Tolle,
The world view that can't be proven
Is there hard evidence for the idea that the self is an illusion? No. It kind of remains a leap of faith. Though, there are various logical arguments and scientific findings that can be helpful to make up your mind.
The most compelling ones are presented in the little book "Considering Non-Duality".
or download the first chapter for free

2017 Try outs
Our Practical Approach
Neuroscience has taught us how (felt) imagination and repetition lead to mindset change. However, non-dual perception can't be imagined until you've obtained it. Once that happens, imagination and repetition become useful in stabilizing this mode of perception.
Each stage requires different tools and a different setting.
The first part – the initial shift – involves conceptual thinking, confusion, perseverance and ultimately a burst of laughter once you get it. You learn the broad strokes and nuances of the non-dual mindset and practice perceiving through such a lens. During this time, the less stimulus of your normal mindset, the better.
The second part – the habit formation – involves shifting out of conceptual thinking, imagination, reframing, repetition and a little patience for the new mindset to stick. For this, gradual reintroduction of real-life situations is useful.
Soon enough, you reach a point where you either can hold the non-dual frame of mind, can shift back into it once you notice you've lost it or not even be concerned about temporarily not being able to shift back in.
By then, the process has become perpetual and doesn't need that much attention, just like how medicine works. This is the stage the bootcamp aims to get you – whatever it takes – but it mainly depends on your efforts.
"Emotional detachment from ego is the key to everything. If I were you, I would be praying, manifesting, attracting and affirming my ass off to achieve this.”
~ Jed McKenna,

the Bootcamps
private room at an inspiring location, selected for minimal distraction
of guided group and personalized discussions, exercises, visualizations, activities
all-inclusive service in first week (other weeks on request at surcharge)
Next starting dates
February 3, 2025 @ Bali, Indonesia (English) | €3,250 ex. VAT
May 12, 2025 @ Umbria, Italy (Dutch) | €2,950 ex. VAT
June 8, 2025 @ Umbria, Italy (English) | €2,950 ex. VAT
Or, get in touch with a question.

Founder's note
"Developing a non-dual mindset (or ego awakening) is not the easiest thing to achieve, yet it’s also not the big, nearly impossible project people tend to make it out to be.
It took me about 5 months on my own, but I’ve seen others do the same thing – with just a little assistance – in a matter of days.
I think the main reason why most people never finish their pursuit for awakening, is that their ego hijacks the process for identification. They get hooked on the emotional rewards from being involved in non-duality; they make it into a lifestyle.
Ego awakening usually happens with a burst of laughter. Right after that happens, it all seems so simple. It's even hard to image it will even be challenging again to regain that mindset. But it will be.
The most challenging (and rewarding) part comes after the awakening, when you start perceiving life from your new point of view. That can be a little challenging at first, as many things will not feel as real as before. It's no different from breaking other habits.
Soon enough, though, your reality checks will start liberating you from a lot of confusion, stress, and desires that were never likely to make you happy. Once the new neural pathways have formed, the process becomes almost perpetual from simply going about your day.
You can return to your old life and be the same person, if that’s what you prefer. Or you may take on symbols, different clothes and spiritual language. Do as you like. Just be aware that any external reminder has the risk of becoming a new object for the ego to latch onto.
Even without making any big change in your life, your experience and level of satisfaction can change drastically as you start to feel more real and authentic.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions about this process."
Richard van der Linde