Our Premises
The Philosophical checklist we need to agree on
The purpose of the program is not to debate which philosophical position is true, but to obtain a new mode of perception. There is always room for interpretation of non-duality. That is why we encourage you to see if you can work with our interpretation before you book one of our programs. It allows us to focus on what we like most: getting you the mindset. Our premises:
There is always an authentic choice and you have no control over what this choice is, but you have the freedom of choice to ignore it as long as you want.
Surrendering to this choice leads to most happiness, despite any short term discomfort, especially if you are aware of having surrendered to your authentic choices
Surrender and ego awakening can’t be evoked; they eventually happen by themself, like how tiredness leads to falling asleep or spending time with someone sometimes leads to falling in love
The mind is conditioned to avoid discomfort at all cost, which prevents us from changing inauthentic behavior. Some light exposure practice can already break the conditioning and make us conscious of our true interests, preferences and authentic choices as we no longer fear the discomfort that temporarily accompanies such choices.
The deeper our understanding of non-duality and its logical implications, the easier it becomes to make authentic choices
Deep understanding of non-duality leads to a perception of any circumstance as the most beneficial one possible for you – a feeling that the universe is inherently friendly
Circumstances reflect our beliefs and buried emotions for our benefit – and there is a correct way of dealing with them once we become aware of them
Even though there is no absolute wrong choice, there is the discernment between relative (or subjective) right and wrong in terms of authenticity. Giving and receiving feedback can serve as a useful mirror for this kind of discernment
There is a time and place for both thinking and feeling in the process of making decisions. Surrender requires a non-conceptual mode of perception, but in order to get there, rigorously focused conceptual thinking may be more beneficial than trying to silence the mind – especially for people with strong analytical capacities
For the purpose of ego awakening and surrender to authenticity it’s not that relevant whether or not something personal (e.g. a soul) remains eternally in tact at the end of the journey of awakening
Meditation can be useful for quieting the mind as well as for obtaining a suggestible state of mind for changing your mindset, but it’s not that effective for overcoming the misconceptions about the non-dual mindset
The universe and all its natural laws exist in consciousness but is real as long as you’re not enlightened. Yet, along the way, insights can develop that come with the ability for the imagination to influence the material world (i.e. manifesting). But, unless done with an egoless surrender, manifesting comes at the price of ego reinforcement – insatiable desires and subsequent suffering
If you got the message, hang up the phone. Once the work is done and your mindset is no longer built from an ego illusion, there is no need to devote time explicitly to spirituality or self-development. The final step is to let go and live your life with the non-dual mindset. Even at the risk of... losing yourself again in ego identification
Losing the non-dual mindset and finding it is part of the game and eventually leads to the realization that it doesn’t matter if you have the perspective or not. Paradoxically, every time you remember that it doesn't matter that you can't regain the mindset, you instantly regain the mindset and have the pleasant perception as described in these premises